Fundamental Theology
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Distinct from other branches of theology, Fundamental Theology is a proper discipline that came into being in the nineteenth century as a response to the need for new direction in defense of the Faith. What characterized this relatively recent discipline was the theory of Revelation in its historic‑salvific aspect with explicit references to Christ.
In Fundamental Theology, this discipline is understood as theology of the fundamentals of theology, considering the term “fundamental” as that upon which something rests and is supported. The authors develop Fundamental Theology as a study of Revelation and faith, as all Christian discourse on God is based on these two realities.
In this text, the study is presented both dogmatically and as apologetics. Fundamental Dogmatics presents the historical Revelation of God and his transmission of theological faith in and through the Church. Fundamentals of Apologetics discusses the fundamental structure of the credibility of the Word Incarnate.
Fundamental Theology will be useful for those in theological studies and also the faithful who are interested in deepening their understanding of the Catholic faith from both the dogmatic and the apologetic perspectives.
Very good, modern theology!
This book is rich in Scriptural references and citations from early Church Fathers to St. John Paul II. The authors offer their expertise, linking Scriptural interpretation to fundamental theology. An excellent connection is made to the establishment of the Catholic Church and apologetics. Suited for college-level study and above, with huge section of Endnotes and Bibliography. Kudos!
In-depth analysis.
“Fundamental Theology makes an in-depth analysis of the different schools of theology current in the Church today, as well as the more recent papal documents, including Jesus of Nazareth and Dominus Iesus, and through this analysis presents a thorough study of fundamental theology as taught by the Catholic Church.”- Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.Archbishop of Chicago
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